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The patch covers our new, healthy, gourmet lunch menu

THE PATCH | BY Dan Pittman

Age Well Senior Services announces a new partnership with Zest in a Bowl to provide lunches for older adults in Orange County.

Beginning April 1, 2022, the healthy, senior lunches are being offered for in-person dining only, five days a week at nine Senior Centers served by Age Well. The nine centers offering these lunches include two that are fully operated by the organization – Florence Sylvester Senior Center in Laguna Hills, and Dorothy Visser Senior Center in San Clemente.

Monthly menus are online at and posted in each center. Reservations are required for lunch. The suggested donation for each meal is $5.50 for adults 60 and over. Non-seniors 59 and younger are asked to pay $7.50 per meal.

Zest in a Bowl is co-owned and operated in Laguna Hills by Kevin and Margaret Lee. They have prior experience as a provider of Senior Cuisine Delivered for Age Well, a healthy, affordable, convenient meal delivery service from local restaurants/caterers for adults 50+, their caregivers and dependents. Additionally, Zest in a Bowl has conducted a pilot program twice a week at Age Well’s senior lunch programs.

“We are excited to introduce Zest in A Bowl menus. It’s time to reap the benefits of brightly colored fruits and vegetables and more healthy options as we continue to care for the health and wellbeing of the seniors who visit the center. Our partnership with Kevin has been very well received in our pilot program by our seniors,” said Age Well’s CEO Steve Moyer.

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The Zest owners are passionate about healthy living and incorporating fresh, locally sourced, whole foods. Inspired by wonderful, wholesome food cultures from their travels in Hong Kong and Europe, their menu features Italian, Mediterranean, Western and Asian cuisine. Additionally, they use a variety of herbs and spices from around the world to enhance the flavor of their foods. Their food is low in sodium and supportive of a diabetic diet.

“Kevin has taken into special consideration this older adult population, as he plans the meals six weeks in advance,” says Moyer. “Meals include tender meats or fish, healthy vegetables and salads, delicious soups, and of course, a small dessert. Kevin says that this catering opportunity is a way for him to ‘bring natural, healthy and tasty dishes to the community.”‘ Age Well Senior Services also provides other services to seniors in Orange County, including the aforementioned Senior Cuisine Delivered, Meals on Wheels, health and wellness, transportation, care management, and online activities.

About Age Well Senior Services

Established in 1975, Age Well Senior Services, is a nonprofit public benefit 501 (C)(3) organization located in Lake Forest, California. Age Well relies on contributions to provide critical services, resources, and programs to home-bound and low-income seniors living in 21 cities located in South Orange County. Some programs are funded in part through a grant from the California Department on Aging and allocated by the Orange County Board of Supervisors & administered by the Office on Aging.