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Upcoming In-Person & Virtual Events for O.C. Seniors.

Upcoming Events: December + January

We’re so excited to share some amazing events, just for our Orange County seniors. While we’re at home, we can stay connected with virtual events, please explore them below and remember to RSVP!

We also have some amazing in-person ‘Holiday Meals’ & PPE events coming up. Make sure to mark your calendar, wear your mask and join us! Information below. Don’t hesitate to give us a call at 949-855-8033 if you have any questions!

Please visit our events page to explore weekly events, not listed below!

Virtual Events:

1st Meeting: December 16 4:30-5:30 PM 2nd Meeting: December 30 4:30 – 5:30 PM

How To Join? Contact us for the Zoom Link
Call: (949)-297-6592

Session 1: December 22  7:00 PM
Session 2: December 29 7:00 PM

How To Join?
Call 562-519-5754
Email Theo Siegel at
Cost is $10.00.

1st Meeting: January 13th  4:30-5:30 PM 2nd Meeting: January 27th 4:30-5:30 PM

How To Join? Contact us for the Zoom Link
Call: (949)-297-6592

In-Person Events:

Thursday December 17th, 2PM – 4 PM
The Clubhouse Senior Center

This event is reserved only for individuals 50 years or better. each household will receive 1 box of disposable face masks (50 face masks per box), 1 8 oz. bottle of hand sanitizer, and a special holiday treat from the clubhouse! supplies are limited.

December 22nd from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Columbus Tustin Park

Free Holiday Meals include: oven roasted turkey, buttermilk mashed potato, sweet potatoes, winter stuffing, mixed vegetable, sage pan gravy, cranberry sauce, dinner roll, butter, southern-eggnog mousse with graham cracker crumble